|Available Memory:| is the amount of memory available for new objects.
|Clear Clipboard Buffers:| use to delete no longer needed items in the clipboard (items previously cut or copied).
|Close Desk Accessories:| use to close any desk accessories running in the application memory.
|Clear Undo Buffers:| use to immediately empty the "undo" buffer. The undo data is lost. Normally, this data is released when additional editing is performed.
|Reset Text Editing:| use to delete excess buffering area assigned by the system to text editing operations. These buffers will "grow" back as needed.
|MultiFinder Users:| the system determines how much memory is available for each application. Refer to your Macintosh Reference Manual- see |Get Info| command in the |Finder|'s |File| menu.
|Release Memory:| All these commands may release memory.
|More Memory:| dialog allows control of some temporary memory; and this may be useful if memory shortages occur.